Arty Farty

S01 - This Kid Life #5 - Social Media

Episode Summary

12 year old Ariel interviews Sydney Opera House Social Media Specialist Claire and we hear from kids helping to build a new App for young people.  We all know Social Media takes up a lot of kids time and energy and comes with some inherent dangers.  Yet all the kids we spoke to were keenly aware of being safe on the internet and pretty savvy about not relying too heavily on 'likes' to boost their self-esteem. 

Episode Notes

12 year old Ariel interviews Sydney Opera House Social Media Specialist Claire and we hear from kids helping to build a new App for young people. We all know Social Media takes up a lot of kids time and energy and comes with some inherent dangers. Yet all the kids we spoke to were keenly aware of being safe on the internet and pretty savvy about not relying too heavily on 'likes' to boost their self-esteem.